Thursday, September 11, 2014


  I have wanted to start blogging again for a long time, but in the business of life, it just gets put off.  Now, with my life going through so many positive changes, it just seems the right time.

What a whirlwind today has been!  First, today is 9/11.  A day that we as Americans should never forget.  A day a remembrance.  I  received a call about 8 AM telling us that my father in law's mother had passed away.  My heart was heavy for a dear friend that had miscarried a baby through the night and for another friend that gave birth this last weekend to a little boy with a form of spina bifida. Life is just so fragile!  I prayed for all of these and began our homeschooling for the day.

And then there was my root canal.  I have been trying to avoid a root canal for two weeks, but as I awoke this morning to the extreme pulsating in my jaw, I knew it could not be put off any longer.  I went through the almost two hour long agonizing process with as much numbing agents as could safely be administered! The dr. told me the nerve was so inflamed that as soon as he got through the tooth, the nerve just spilled out!   I have a very small mouth, and that leads to my jaw locking up almost every time I have extended dental work done.  Also, a side agent in novocaine is adrenaline.  Who knew?!  As a result of having six shots of the stuff plus two more straight into the root bed, my body was soooo jittery and tense.  I groaned and writhed in agony most of the afternoon.  A friend on my facebook suggested a warm bath with salts....just what this body needed!!  As I lit all the candles and ran the HOT (I love a bath so hot it turns your skin pink!) water, I praised God for my amazing master bath!

As I let the steam and heat relax my aching body, my mind began to remember.  I remembered the house I lost.  I reflected on the journey my life has taken since that time.  Paul and I have gone through so many deep trials.  Life does seem to be "normalizing" now.  We have this amazing house that I am so very much turning into our home.  I stand in amazement almost each day that this is my home.

And in that moment, as my aching body was slowly relaxing, the words of Quieting a Noisy Soul echoed loudly in my mind... "God is enough. He will always meet my genuine needs.  He is always up to something good in my life."