Monday, February 13, 2012

The heart of this blog

The desire for this blog is very different from my past blog or even my facebook page. It is the brainchild of many months of thoughts. You will not find funny quotes from my kids here. I will not be writing about any family vacations or things we do here. You will not find any "soapbox" statements here. I have struggled hard through the last five years. I have weathered many storms, but none so tumultuous as my physical struggle of this last year. It rendered me almost useless both pysically and spritually for a time. As I struggled with finding a purpose for why I was allowed to go through such deep pain, I began to SEE people. Everywhere you turn, people are hurting. Deep, gut-wrenching pain. And so many times, people do not want someone to "fix" them as much as they want someone to care. I mean, really care. Someone to come along side them, put an arm around them, and lift them up in a prayer.

It was in this realization, that I found the purpose for why God has allowed me to struggle so hard these last five years. I have always been a sensitive and caring person, but through the struggles of life, my "Barnabas" qualities are being fine tuned. It is my deep desire that this blog will be a source of encouragement for the hurting and weary of heart.

With the title "Oasis of Peace in the desert of life," I would like to paint a picture of the trials of life being a vast destert full of hot, dry, parched land. But in the midst of this desert, you stumble upon a cool stream complete with shade trees and lush green grass where you can rest. This "Oasis of Peace" comes from Christ.

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