Saturday, March 10, 2012


Psalm 40:1 "I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry."

I used to think I was a very patient person. I am great with small children, and love working with the infirmed, elderly, or handicapped. It takes a lot to get me really angry. Very few people have ever seen me yell. Over the last year, I have learned just how short my patience actually is. I hate waiting!! I hate feeling helpless, and I want it gone NOW!! i struggle with some chronic illness and injury. I want to be healthy. But God has asked me deal with long-term health issues. I have a heart's desire to be at home with my children and not work outside the home. This is a Biblical and good desire... but I want it NOW!! For reasons still not completely clear to me, God has chosen to ask me to wait for these things. I have complete peace that He will grant my desire to be home. But God is asking me to wait.

My Pastor once spoke on the verse above. He stated that in the original text, the word "waited" literally means "in waiting, I waited." Being the forever-thinking-like-a-mom that I am, I relate this to my pregnancy days. The last month was pure torture all four times!!! My body never wanted to give up the babies, and I would contract for days and even weeks sometimes. Just when I would think surely this is the real thing, all would stop. "In waiting, I waited." And waited some more!!! But delivery would always come, and I had a sweet baby in my arms.

"... He turned to me and heard my cry." This is a promise; again, an absolute!! God DOES hear us!!!!! He may ask us to develop patience, but Jesus cares!!

I love the old song "Does Jesus Care"
"Does Jesus care? Oh, yes, he cares! His heart is touched with my grief. When the days are weary and long night dreary, I know my Savior cares!"

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